Terms and Conditions
General delivery conditions valid from 01-02-2020.
Article 1. Validity of these conditions.
1.1 These terms and conditions apply to all agreements entered into with De Palingfabriek BV, Meerweg 1a, 8507CA in Rohel, registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number: 77745361.
1.2 Purchases or orders from the buyer / client constitute acceptance of the general terms and conditions drawn up by De Palingfabriek BV.
1.3 De Palingfabriek BV is further referred to as the seller or De Palingfabriek.
1.4 Special provisions deviating from the conditions of De Palingfabriek BV are only binding if they have been signed in writing by both parties.
Article 2. Offers.
2.1 All offers and / or quotations are without obligation, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
2.2 Oral offers by De Palingfabriek or its subordinates are not binding, unless these offers have been confirmed in writing by De Palingfabriek.
Article 3. Prices.
3.1 All agreements are always concluded on the basis of the prices applicable at the time of conclusion.
3.2 If articles are ordered and the prices have undergone an increase after agreement, these will be passed on even if a price agreement has been made.
Article 4. Delivery conditions and warranty
4.1 Articles are only delivered with the conditions and warranty set by the manufacturer.
4.2 Livestock is bought at the buyer's risk. The buyer must assess in advance whether the livestock is healthy and without damage.
4.3 By purchasing the Living Have the buyer indicates that it has been found to be in order, which invalidates the right to claim.
4.4 Consequential damage will never be reimbursed.
4.5 The buyer is expected to be knowledgeable about the care and purchase of Living Have. This will also be invoked if diseases and damage are attributed to De Palingfabriek as drawn up in accordance with European law.
4.6 Recommendations and advice are never binding and any damage and costs arising from this cannot lead to recovery from De Palingfabriek.
Article 5. Down payment
5.1 A down payment is a purchase and cannot be canceled by the buyer.
5.2 If the articles cannot be delivered due to force majeure, the deposit will be refunded.
5.3 If the ordered items are not collected within 1 month, they will become the property of
De Ealingfabriek without the right to return paid amounts.
Article 6. Retention of title
6.1 As long as De Palingfabriek has not received full payment in respect of an agreement / purchase (including any damage, costs and interest under this), the goods remain the property of De Palingfabriek and can be retrieved.
Article 7. Employment assignments
7.1 All work commissioned by De Palingfabriek is performed at the risk of the customer / buyer.
7.2 The seller is entitled to outsource these activities to third parties.
Article 8. Delivery and deliveries
8.1 The transport of goods from De Palingfabriek to the client is at the risk of the client.
8.2 The delivered goods must be checked immediately upon delivery for errors and damage, complaints afterwards will not be processed.
8.3 The quantities to be delivered by us are only approximate. Deviations upwards or downwards never give the buyer the right to demand fulfillment or to return the excess delivered.
8.4 The choice in which way of shipping and packaging is made to the seller.
Article 9. Payments
9.1 All purchases must be paid in cash or by pin unless expressly agreed with De Palingfabriek.
9.2 Payments on account must be transferred within 8 days to the indicated account of De Palingfabriek.
9.3 If payment is not received within the set term, De Ealingfabriek is entitled to charge interest at 2% per month from the date of the packing slip.
9.4 De Ealingfabriek is entitled, in addition to the principal sum and interest, to charge all resulting costs, both judicial and extrajudicial, that arise from late payments.
Article 10. Disputes
10.1 Disputes arising from purchase and / or agreements will be deemed necessary to be submitted to the Civil Court in Leeuwarden.